Okay, this one is actually a call out for my friends to support a fellow sister in Christ, who is experiencing an amazing parenting journey and has written a book about it:
The day Gillian Marchenko was told her daughter had Down syndrome, she was standing by her crib alone in the former Soviet Union and let go of of her baby’s hand and ran out of the room. Not only did she run from her child that day, but in the months to follow, Gillian also ran from the God whom she had known on a first name basis since she was 15 years old. Gillian dove into a staggering grief over the child she expected and hid in fear of a brokenness that she had, come to find out, carried with her all her life.
KRASATA (“beauty” in Russian), a Memoir of Motherhood, Down Syndrome, and Surprising Beauty starts with a mother whose faith nearly breaks by the birth of her daughter with special needs. With humor and inspiration, spanning two continents, the story ends with the unexpected beauty of an unwanted child pointing her mother back to what matters most. KRASATA is about redemptive love both between mother and daughter, and child and God.
Gillian recently won most promising new writer at the Mount Hermon Christian Writers Conference in California.
Gillian has an author page on Facebook, www.facebook.com/GillianMarchenkoPage and in the quest to get her book published, she needs our help to bring her likes up to 5,000. Please help a sister out today, and then be prepared to see her book in print in the very near future! Thanks, all!